Holistic substance abuse and trauma Recovery Services for women and their young children.
Epiphany Center provides family-focused programs to address the traumatic stressors experienced by low-income women who face addiction, homelessness, and domestic violence. Our goal is to help families build healthier futures for themselves and their children.

“My son and I were clients at Epiphany from 2013-16. The agency gave my son and me a great foundation and a fighting chance. At Epiphany, I felt, for the first time in my life, the feeling of being home, the feeling of safety and stability.”
Epiphany Graduate 2016
Residential Recovery
Addiction Treatment Programs
Residential treatment (30, 60, 90 days) for women in San Francisco. Our programs offer residential drug treatment at two sites for women and their young children. The programs provide support in parenting, independent living skills, and positive communications skills.
This Program Provides
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Transitional Housing
Epiphany Center Step-Down supports women who have completed a structured residential treatment program and need additional time to prepare for life post-treatment. Our goal is to strengthen each woman’s recovery skills and to support her in securing permanent housing and employment.
This Program Provides
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Family Treatment
Community Outreach
In-Home Services
The In-Home Services program offers home-based parenting education and support to families with children, ages 0-5, who are at risk for out-of-home placement. The In-Home Services Program utilizes an evidence-based parenting education model, SafeCare®, to provide parents with the skills required to raise their children in safe, healthy, and loving environments. Families are referred to In-Home Services by the Department of Family & Children’s Services, Family Treatment Court, Department of Public Health, and community-based organizations.
This Program Provides
Criteria for Enrollment
Family Resilience at the Epiphany Center
Family Resilience at the Epiphany Center is in collaboration with San Francisco Family Treatment Court. It offers intensive, outpatient substance dependency treatment for those looking to extend their recovery treatment beyond a residential setting and aims to help participants attain a substance free, healthy, self-sufficient lifestyle. The structured part-time program is designed to accommodate education, employment, and family obligations during recovery.
This Program INCLUDES
Criteria for Admission
This Program Is Made Possible By