“I continue to be amazed by the resiliency of the women who come to Epiphany Center at the lowest ebb of their lives, and within a relatively short span of time, grow by leaps and bounds. It's a wonderful testament to their personal courage.”
Brenda MacLean
Epiphany League Member since 1999
Volunteer Spotlight
LaVerne Reiterman Honored with St. Louise de Marillac Award
At this year’s Benefit Party & Show, we honored Epiphany League member Mrs. LaVerne Reiterman with the St. Louise de Marillac Award for her over 20 years of selfless service. St. Louise de Marillac, the patron saint of social workers, co-founded the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul. Recipients of the Award are, like St. Louise, deeply committed to our mission of service and have selflessly served the agency for over 7 years.
Would you or your group of friends like to volunteer at Epiphany Center?
We are currently looking for skilled volunteers who can help. If you have any of the following (or other) skills to share, please complete our application and email it to info@TheEpiphanyCenter.org.
We Need Your Help With
• Family photography
• Organic gardening
• Tutoring for GED
• Data Entry/Office Organization
• Community Store
• Arts and crafts group for women
• Book club for women
• Carpentry
• Holiday celebrations for families
• Choir for women
• Exercise group for women
Join The League
The Epiphany League is a group of women who donate their time and talent to Epiphany Center.
The League’s purpose is to raise funds to ensure we can continue our services as well as support clients through service projects, and broaden community awareness of Epiphany Center.
• League meetings
• Volunteer service projects
• Plan two annual fundraising events
• Attend fundraising events as a sponsor or ticket holder
• Make a personal contribution to Epiphany Center
• Be an ambassador and advocate for Epiphany Center
Thank you to our 2024 - 2025 Epiphany League Members
Marcy Ballard
Diane Blackman
Nan Bouton
Elyn Brennan
Service Co-Chair
Debi Curley
Erin Doyle Ebeling
Vice President
Jane Foster
Sheila KellY
Jean Macaluso
Brenda MacLean
Fund Development Chair,
Membership Co-Chair
Pam McKulla
Ginnie Menezes
Nancy Moyle
Adrienne Murphy
Ann Peterson
Valerie Malone Raskin
LaVerne Reiterman
Service Co-Chair
Kathryn Ringgold
DeAnn Underwood

Daughters of Charity is a worldwide association of Catholic women drawn together by their love for Christ and for those who live in poverty. Founded by Vincent de Paul, the Ladies responded to the needs of the destitute and needy in seventeenth century France. Under the inspiration of Louise de Marillac they were organized in cities and villages to bring God’s love to the suffering, the sick and the marginalized of their time. Since then, this mission has been alive in many generations of Ladies of Charity, including those who serve at Epiphany Center. You are invited to make a very personal investment of yourself to those in need as a Lady of Charity.
To learn more about becoming A Lady of Charity, please contact:
Linda Ramelot
(650) 949-0930
Sister Betty Marie, DC
(415) 351-4045