Benefit Party & Show Raises More Than $100,000 To Benefit Women and Children in Transitional Home
Hats off to the extraordinary cast who graciously shared their time and talents.
On Thursday, March 3, the Epiphany League hosted its 25th Anniversary Benefit Party & Show at The Family in San Francisco. Dubbed “The Starlight Room,” the event took attendees back to the heyday of Harry Denton’s legendary lounge 21 stories above Union Square. The evening was a smashing success, raising over $100,000 to increase the safety of the women and children at the agency’s transitional living home, Step-Down.
Unforgettable emcee extraordinaire Matt Callahan stole the show and energized the crowd.
Nearly one hundred supporters ate, drank, and enjoyed outstanding live music, dancing, a silent auction, and each other’s company, while gaining a deeper understanding of the nearly 170-year-old nonprofit organization’s mission of serving San Francisco’s most vulnerable families. The elegant evening featured the added sparkle of a live testimonial from a woman who transformed her life as a beneficiary of Epiphany’s Residential Recovery and Step-Down Transitional Housing programs. Angel bravely shared about her struggles and successes. She spoke movingly about her journey from suffering as an addict in the Tenderloin, to working hard work in recovery, and now paying it forward helping others develop the skills and strength within to build lasting, healthy, and productive futures.
Former Epiphany Center client Angel shares her story.
“Epiphany Center was the beginning of a new life. I walked into Epiphany, a broken woman and walked out a totally new person! I never knew I could be this woman I am today!” – Angel, Former Epiphany Client
Epiphany League Members Sheila Kelly and Erin Doyle Ebeling with Joe Lucier.
Epiphany supporters Dr. Amit G. Pandya, MD and Dr. Laura Rubinos, MD.
Epiphany League Member and Auction Chair Celina Tomori and friends
Epiphany supporter Lucy McGuire and friends enjoy reception.
The Daughters of Charity have been serving San Francisco’s most vulnerable families for nearly 170 years. Sister Betty Marie Dunkel, Executive Director, Epiphany Center; Sister Frances Vista; Sister Estela Morales, former longtime Executive Director, Epiphany Center; Sister Marjory Ann Baez
Epiphany League President Debi Curley with husband Jim Curley are all smiles at the reception.
Many attendees were already longtime supporters of Epiphany Center, while others were being introduced to the agency’s work for the first time. Since 1852, Epiphany Center, formerly known as Mount St. Joseph St. Elizabeth’s, has been strengthening the city’s families through programs, first as an orphanage for children whose parents died in the cholera epidemic. Today, Epiphany Center serves families with extremely low income levels through its seven programs. Recently named to Newsweek’s list of “America’s Best Addiction Treatment Centers,” Epiphany Center is one of few recovery programs in the United States with full continuum of care for women and infants.
Epiphany League Members and BPS Chairs Nan Bouton and Brenda MacLean welcome attendees.
Our gratitude goes out to Party Chairs Brenda MacLean and Nan Bouton for stepping up to organize a fun-filled, successful event. We deeply appreciate the outstanding scripting and musical talents of Dwight Okumura, Dave Eshelman, Jeff O’Sammon and the phenomenal all-star cast.
Many thanks to the brilliant Dwight Okumura, Musical Director of BPS.
Thank you to Matt Callahan, who, once again, stole the show and energized the crowd to raise their hands to the tune of over $100,000 for the Fund-A-Need.
Supporters raised funds to install a much-needed pneumatic elevator in the three-story Victorian transitional home, Step-Down.
Thanks to Epiphany’s steadfast and compassionate supporters, the Fund-A-Need portion of the event helped us nearly reach our goal of raising $150,000. Their incredible generosity will help the agency enhance the safety of the women and children with the addition of a much-needed pneumatic elevator in the three-story Victorian transitional home, Step-Down.
Help us reach our goal. Donate online today here.
View our event PHOTO ALBUM!