Volunteer Spotlight: Epiphany League Member Nan Bouton
Happy National Volunteer Month! From all of us at Epiphany Center, a thousand thanks to the many volunteers whose service makes a tangible difference in the lives of our women and children. From our dear Epiphany League Members to students from University of San Francisco and Sacred Heart Cathedral Prep to thoughtful neighbors who knit the sweetest hats for our little ones, Epiphany Center’s volunteers are shining examples of the best of us. And one of our favorite volunteers is Epiphany League Member Nan Bouton whose compassion is changing lives.
1 When did you join the Epiphany League?
I joined the League in 2015.
2 How did you come to learn about the League’s work and why did you decide to volunteer your time to help serve agency’s women and children?
I learned about Epiphany Center’s work from former League member Irene Holmes. She invited me to the Center’s annual Celebrating Mothers Luncheon, and after hearing a graduate of Epiphany’s program speak about her experience, I thought, wow, this is amazing what the organization is doing for women and children. Hearing the clients share their compelling stories of transformation is so uplifting. So many programs act as mere band aids.
Epiphany client and toddler checking in at the Parent-Child Center
Epiphany’s program really makes a lasting difference in vulnerable families’ lives. The staff are essentially helping two generations.
When I was in college, I had done volunteer work. Later as a working mom with little time, I managed to volunteer with my daughters’ schools. I had been caring for my mother until she passed and had been looking for ways to give back to the community. It was around the same time that Irene invited me to the Epiphany Luncheon. So, it was perfect timing!
3 Are you native to San Francisco and/or the Bay Area? What do you love most about our community?
Outreach navigator from Epiphany Center Road to Resilience Program helps connect unhoused women in San Francisco who are pregnant or parenting infants to services and referrals.
I am a native San Franciscan. The pandemic and the tragic overdose epidemic in the city are really shining a light on nonprofit organizations like Epiphany Center. It’s nice to know that there are organizations in San Francisco that are truly making a difference for those who are struggling. Epiphany is a haven for people who want to change their lives. It’s really rewarding to be part of that.
4 What or who inspires you most?
Honestly, I admire the women in Epiphany Center’s recovery program who are working hard to change their lives. These women are my heroines. I’ve seen firsthand what it’s like for youth to go down a bad road and how hard it can be to come back.
Now with the recent change to recovery programs in the city, that limits treatment time to only thirty, sixty, or ninety days, it’s more challenging for them. Thank goodness Epiphany opened the new Step-Down Transitional Housing program, allowing women to take the necessary time to strengthen their recovery while building independent lives in a sober, supportive environment.
5 Of the five Vincentian Values of Respect, Compassionate Service, Simplicity, Advocacy, and Creativity, which one is your favorite to practice and why?
These days, my favorite value is Respect. We’re all God’s children. We all have different journeys – some are easy, and some are difficult. It’s incumbent upon us to respect each other in spite of our differences.
6 What do you feel is the biggest reward you’ve received from volunteering with Epiphany Center?
The most rewarding experience is sitting and sharing a meal together with the clients twice per year when the League plans special lunches for the clients. Sometimes the women are willing to share their stories. After sitting with them and hearing about their journeys, I am full of admiration for their challenges and efforts to build healthy lives. They’re very gracious and grateful for Epiphany.
And the other reward is the friendships that I’ve made with fellow League members and staff. I’ve met lots of wonderful women.
Are you interested in joining the Epiphany League? Learn more here.